UPS Driver Notices ‘Call 911’ Written On Package – Ends Up Rescuing Woman Being Held Hostage
A UPS driver from Missouri is being hailed as a hero after he rescued a woman who was being held hostage and sexually assaulted by her husband….

International Olympic Committee Issues Lifetime Ban For Lia Thomas
It looks as though transgender swimmer Lia Thomas will head into forced retirement after the International Olympic Committee issued a devastating blow and banned the athlete for…

13-yеаr-оld in fоstеr cаrе fоr mоst оf his lifе lооks fоrwаrd tо thе ‘frееdоm’ оf bеing sоmеоnе’s sоn
Thirtееn-yеаr-оld Tim frоm Tеxаs еntеrеd thе fоstеr cаrе systеm аt thе аgе оf 3. Hе hаs lоng bееn wаiting fоr а fаmily tо аdоpt him — fоr…

US Olympic Committee Says Lia Thomas Is Welcome To Try Out – For The Men’s Team
Lia Thomas, the biological male who went swimming as a female and shattered every record in NCAA history, has officially petitioned the US Olympic Committee for a…

Little boy held a salute for an hour, when someone very special joins him
In June of 2014, an 11-year-old boy traveled to Normandy, France in honor of the seventieth anniversary of D-Day. While there, he launched a project called “Project…

High School Dance Team Lines Up In Gym – Crowd Goes Wild When Lights Go Out
High school athletics are getting tougher and tougher these days, and all teams need something that will make their team stand out. The Dodge City High School…

NHL Cancels $400 Million Deal With Woke Nike: “Our Fans Have Spoken”
The NHL has finally wised up and taken the side of its own fans. Unlike the NBA, NFL, and NASCAR, all of which decided to go woke,…

Anheuser Busch Will Discontinue and Re-Brand Bud Light
For decades, Bud Light dominated the American beer market. Through clever marketing campaigns targeting a profitable demographic, the brand was number one both at the bar and…

Talladega “Pride Day” Sets Record for Lowest Attendance in Track History
Yet another milestone for the failing enterprise that is “Pride.” For a while, it was mainstream. Then the boycotts started. Now during the month that is supposed…

Woman who said she gave birth to 10 babies at once was lying, inquiry finds
No hospitals in Gauteng province have a record of decuplets being born, the provincial government says. Medical tests show that Ms Sithole had not even been pregnant…