If you see these marks on someone’s hand, this is what it means – How to identify 10 of the most….

Bug bites are unpleasant — no matter what kind of bite they are. However, being able to identify the different types of bug bites could be the difference between life and death to someone who suffers from an allergy. Print out this list of 10 common bug bites so you’re prepared in a potentially high-risk situation.

Mosquito bites take on two different forms depending on how long the mosquito was sucking the blood for. They’ll either be a small circle-type shape, or a bigger, more elongated blob. It goes without saying that they’re extremely itchy, and scratching them will only make the itch worse.

Flea bites are easy to identify because the flea will generally bite multiple times in the same area. The bites are small, somewhat hard, red, and extremely itchy.Bites from head lice can look very similar to flea bites. However, you’ll be able to distinguish them because they’re usually contained to the head, back of the neck, and behind the ears.

Bedbug bites look similar to mosquito bites, but they are usually redder, itchier, and appear in a zig-zag pattern. If you suspect you’ve been bitten by a bedbug, call an exterminator immediately. It’s the only way you’ll be able to rid these horrible pests from your home.

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