Boy on the Brink of Death Wakes up from Coma, Says ‘I Was Looking in the Face of Christ’

After a 13-year-old boy had a deadly bike accident, he spent days in the hospital, lying lifeless on the bed. Just when his parents had lost all…

4-year-old boy sees his little sister’s cot on fire and covers her from the flames with his body

When a toddler saw a fire engulf his baby sister’s cot, he didn’t get scared or run away to save himself. Instead, the brave little man jeopardized…

Wife Has Hilarious Response To Lazy Husband – Gives Him Epic Dose Of Karma

After being married for a long period of time, it can become easy to tune out our spouses and see any request they have of us as…

Gary Sinise Bursts Into Tears As Tom Hanks And Other Celebrities Pay Tribute His Charity Work

It’s unlikely that you’ve never watched a movie with actor Gary Sinise. His career has been so vast and encompassing that he’s played every role from policemen…

Single 24-Yr-Old Teacher Drains Her Entire Life Savings To Adopt Troubled Student And His Brother.

Teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs of all time – but it’s also one of the most exasperating.You see your children for at least 6…

Trucker Runs Towards Fiery Crash, Dash Cam Catches Opening Car Door

When a truck driver witnessed a terrible crash, he jumped out of his track and bolted towards the flames that had ensued. Little did he know, his…

The conflict between Priscilla Presley and Riley Keough over Lisa Marie’s estate has been resolved.

Priscilla Presley, Lisa Marie’s mother and Elvis’ ex-wife, and Riley Keough, her daughter, have reached a settlement in their court dispute over Lisa Marie Presley’s estate. On…

Tough 70-Year-Old Teacher Has No Kids Or Wife, Students Expose Real Truth They Had To Report

Jim O’Connor, a Vietnam veteran whose nature is straight uptight, currently works as a mathematics teacher. He is known to keep short hair and retains the military…

Little Boy Mails Birthday Card To His Father In Heaven – Postman Has Best Response Ever

Earlier this month, 7-year-old Jase Hyndman of West Lothian, Scotland mailed a birthday card to his father in Heaven. Since his beloved dad passed away four years…

Postal Worker Arrives At House To Deliver Mail – Finds Sign On Porch That Is Going Viral

Many of us look forward to the high temperatures of summer, as it means that we can spend our free time outside at the pool or the…